A dry mouth is an uncomfortable condition known as the medical term for xerostomia. It is a condition characterized by insufficient saliva production. Saliva serves as an important factor that enables the cleansing of the mouth and also keeps it moist. Sometimes, people also feel that their throat is dry, maybe due to thirst or nervousness. This is normal. However, if the mouth is always dry, it can result from some underlying health issues. Another cause of dry mouth can also be due to the effects of certain medicines that one may be taking. If you are experiencing this condition, consulting a dentist in fort myers can assist in identifying the cause and recommend the appropriate treatment.
How Common is Dry Mouth?
Dry mouth is a common issue. About 20 percent of people are infected with it. One realizes that the probability of having dry mouth increases with the people’s age.
Many factors can cause dry mouth. In some cases, it is because of some drugs. These medicines can be related to allergy, anxiety, or even antidepressant drugs, leading to dry mouth. Other conditions affecting your health, such as diabetes, can also be the reason behind mouth dryness. It can be due to stroke as well as Sjogren’s syndrome. At some time, treatments like radiation or chemotherapy can affect saliva production. Some of the other known causes include poor or inadequate water intake. It can also be due to poor breathing through the mouth.
What are the Main Symptoms Behind Dry Mouth?
One of the major signs that you can experience when you have a dry mouth is that your mouth feels sticky. You might experience that the tongue feels like sticking to the roof of your mouth. You may also experience increased saliva production and a foul smell from the mouth. There can be sore throat and dryness in the throat. You can’t even chew it, swallow it, or even speak fluently when you have it. For instance, you may be dry most of the time, and your lips, tongue, or mouth could be painful. In severe cases, you could be exposed to cavities, gum diseases, or mouth sores.
How is Dry Mouth Diagnosed?
A dentist can diagnose dry mouth during a normal dental checkup. They may see that your tongs and checks appear dry. The checkup may also include some additional cavities or gum issues that can occur due to dry mouth.
How to Treat Dry Mouth?
The primary treatment of dry mouth is to gain more saliva. First, they will detect the main issue. Suppose the problem is due to the medicine. Then, your doctor may switch you to a different medication or alter the dosage. They may also recommend special tablets or medicines that aid in more saliva secretion. In some cases, if the problem is very serious, it becomes necessary to correct the salivary glands surgically.
Can You Prevent Dry Mouth?
There is no sure way to stop dry mouth, but you can lower your risk by brushing your teeth every day, trying to rinse the inner part of your mouth with clean water, visiting your dentist often, and drinking lots of water. This will always keep the mouth moist. Chew gum without sugar. Don’t smoke or drink alcohol. These can seriously dry out the inner parts of your mouth. You must use a humidifier if you breathe through your mouth at night.
You should follow all the tips we discussed. Remember, good dental health automatically leads to good general health without diseases. Focus on maintaining consistency in overall oral health care.