Congenital Uterine Anomalies That Can Affect Your Fertility

Congenital Anomalies of the Uterus

The uterus, or the womb, is an inverted pear-shaped muscular reproductive organ between the rectum and the bladder. It supports adjacent organs and structures and is vital in various reproduction processes such as menstruation, embryo implantation, and gestation. Sometimes you can have an abnormally developed uterus from birth and require a certified embryology lab Fort Worth, uterus diagnostic services, and fertility treatments in your quest to become a parent. According to the University of Utah Health, one in 20 American women have a uterine abnormality.

If you have a congenital uterine anomaly, you will likely experience pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding during your first menstrual cycle, repeated miscarriages, or premature birth. For instance, also called preterm birth, premature birth is when you give birth early before the due date, usually about 37 weeks.

Below are common congenital problems with your womb that can make it difficult to get pregnant and achieve a full-term pregnancy.

Uterine septum

Also called a septate uterus, a uterine septum is a condition involving a uterus divided into two parts by a membrane. The membrane, called a septum, often differs in thickness and length from one woman to another.

The membrane splitting your uterus usually begins at the upper part and extends to the bottom of your uterus. Sometimes, the septum can extend into the vagina.

A uterus split into two sections puts you at risk of pregnancy complications, including frequent miscarriages and premature delivery. But remember that you can have a septate uterus and not have a miscarriage.

 A bicornuate uterus

While a normal uterus has one hollow cavity, a bicornuate uterus is heart-shaped and thus appears to have two sides.

Because a tissue separates the top of your womb, it might be unable to expand normally, leading to problems such as frequent loss of pregnancy, discomfort during vaginal sex, bleeding of the vagina,  premature labor, or painful menstruation.

An arcuate uterus

An arcuate uterus has a small dent at its top; thus, it has an irregular, minor shape. Usually, an arcuate womb does not pose any health problems and does not require treatment.

Still, an arcuate womb can put you at a higher risk of late pregnancy loss.

Unicornuate womb

Only half of the normal uterus is formed when you have a unicornuate womb. Because you have a smaller uterus and a missing fallopian tube, you will find it challenging to achieve and sustain a pregnancy.

As a result, you become at risk of ectopic pregnancy, late miscarriage, or preterm delivery.

For instance, ectopic pregnancy, also called extrauterine pregnancy, involves the implantation of a fertilized egg outside the womb. The fertilized egg (embryo) often implants in the fallopian tube.

Double womb

Also called uterus didelphys, a double womb is a rare congenital condition that involves you having two wombs. Each womb has its cavity.

Generally, a double womb does not often cause symptoms or complications, so you will not need treatment.

But, if you frequently experience pregnancy loss due to having a double womb, your doctor will devise the right treatment plan.

Contact CARE Fertility today to schedule an appointment with a specialist in fertility lab services and treatments.