Arkansas is sandwiched between boisterous states Texas, Louisiana, and Tennessee. Currently, it is gaining a lot of TLC from the Americans. The Natural State has everything ranging from suburban sprawls and mountain towns to awesome weather and outdoor amenities.
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Good reasons to relocate to Arkansas
Weather is unbeatable
With long and lazy summers as well as occasional white Christmas, you will experience mild seasons with dramatic landscape changes. The warm breezes across the Gulf of Mexico influence the climate across the natural state.
Beauty all around
The state offers spectacular scenery like the Arkansas Timberland, the Ozark Mountains, the Arkansas River, Ouachita Mountains, and the Mississippi River. The lakes are spread across 600,000 acres, while rivers & streams cover 9,700 miles.
The small state takes pride in its array of public recreational expanses that includes 3 national forests, 1 national park, and 52 state parks along with dozens of rivers and lakes offering opportunities for water sports. The place is a paradise for outdoor adventurers.
Upgrade life quality
Arkansas is the least expensive state, so your earning can go further without any concerns about compromising with life quality. The cost of living index is 79, which is too lower than the national average of 100. For example, the cost of living with a nuclear family in Benton County is $6,125 monthly. It is easy on your pocket.
Besides, the housing is affordable as the median price of a home is $130, 000 and property tax is low. You can ultimately invest in a home and gain peace of mind with the knowledge that you are living within budget without the added stress.
Good job opportunities
Low cost of living doesn’t mean there are fewer jobs. Arkansas is the fifth-fastest developing metropolitan area. Its economy is strong in diverse sectors like forestry, food processing, agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and tourism. It means you can gain a good job with a decent salary and spend life paying less on bills.
Less crowded
Arkansas has 56 people per sq. mile. It means there is a lot of room to spread and claim your space. It also indicates less traffic to handle, which makes people coming from busy cities feel happy.
Lack of crowd is a relief as you don’t need to spend hours daily commuting to work. There is extra time you can spend on doing things you adore rather than getting stuck behind the steering in a bumper-to-bumper road traffic situation.
Good education is easily accessible, art lovers can enjoy performances at popular art venues as well as visit the art museum to see the display from master painters like Picasso. Arkansas also has a strong transportation network as well as four main commercial airports. Businesses can move their good via rail or river.
Arkansas is an ideal combination of affordability and beauty!